
Sunday, March 30, 2014

March Recipe Remake Recap

March has been a relatively standard month around here! The weather is still brutally cold (WHY??) but we got a few days that gave us a hint of Spring. Landon discovered T-ball on those warm days and now is yearning to get out and play. Sadly last week an elementary school in my district burned down, leaving 450+ kids displaced. It's been a sad and chaotic time at school. I started a fundraiser through Amazon for the teachers and kids who lost everything and collected over 3,000 books in a week so that has been the highlight of my month for sure. Bring on April... I'm ready for warmer weather and more hours of daylight in the evening!

 I was browsing Pinterest when I saw the picture above pop up. I knew it was my recipe and instantly wanted it. I ended up making it that night! I love this french onion pasta. Landon took one look at it and said, "EW! GROSS!" so needless to say it was just John and I enjoying this one!

Sticking with the pasta theme I took a tray of creamy veggie noodles out of the freezer for John and my mom to enjoy this month when I had conferences. I haven't been freezing meals as much as I used to and I really need to. It makes life so easy!

I feel like Landon is in such a food rut. He eats the same things over and over. Recently, after he refused dinner, I made him yogurt dip and he luckily ate it all. I like that it adds the sunbutter in so there's more protein and calories (which is very important for my little peanut!)

Last month when I remade the sweet onion pot roast I froze half. I pulled it out of the freezer recently and I have to say, I never get sick of this! I made it with mashed potatoes this time and it was delicious. I love the sauce so anything that sucks up the sauce is a favorite for me.

This recipe is almost a joke at how simple it is, but it's so good. I remade double cheese pasta primavera. I added some chicken to it and just used a bag of steamed veggies to mix instead of fresh ones and it made the recipe even easier! The thing is I love Velveeta, so any excuse to eat it is a good one.

Chicken parmesan pasta continues to be a favorite around here. I add it to the remake so often that I'm not even sure it's worth mentioning, but I can't emphasize how easy this is on nights you just don't feel like cooking.

Honey Thai chicken stir fry is a great option for stir fry meals. Can I be honest here for a moment though? The reason I make so many stir fries is because I love my little mini baked egg rolls that I buy and sometimes I just crave them. So the frozen egg rolls are my main motivation to make some type of stir fry... I guess it should be the other way around, with the meal being the main attraction, but I looooove me some egg rolls!

I love Costco... way more than I should. Last time I went I ended up buying a huge jar of bruschetta. Why? I have no idea. But I did. So I've been trying to use it up before it goes bad. One meal was this bruschetta pizza which I added chicken to. Even Landon loved it... I guess he didn't notice the tomatoes and green sauce under the cheese because if he did he'd never have touched it!

See you in April with the next recap!


  1. LOVE the recipes! Our toddlers are around the same age so it was comforting to read that yours has been doing the food strike thing too!! At one time Mason (who just turned two) would eat ANYTHING ... now it seems like I can only get her to eat bananas and anything that is full of sugar.......

  2. Sooo what kind of eggrolls are they?
