
Monday, September 30, 2013

September Recipe Remake Recap

I'm always a little sad to see September go. My birthday is in September, I love the beginning of the fall season, the turning of the weather, and so much more. This month flew with the return to work and getting to know a new group of 5th graders, plus helping Landon adjust to being back at his school. He's a champ though- he's loving his toddler class and is really thriving. Overall a good start to the year!

This month I remade a few favorites. One of which was these veggie pizzas. I made this for a Labor Day party my friend Mindie hosted. These were a hit- they were the first item to disappear. I left off the spinach this time and just added extra of everything else. I love how these can be made ahead and are really low maintenance, making them the perfect snack to bring to a party.

For Labor Day we actually attended three parties in three days, so I decided to remake my favorite spinach dip which is always popular. This time I made it with just 16 oz of sour cream and no mayo at all due to Landon's egg allergy and it was honestly just as good. I don't know if I'll use mayo in it anymore.

For the third Labor Day party I made my grilled lemon, rosemary, and basil chicken tenders since I knew Landon wouldn't touch a hot dog or a burger. This chicken was just as good the second time around. This is definitely one of my favorite grilled chicken recipes. Plus it was nice to just throw the chicken in the marinade and bring to the party so my soon-to-be brother in-law could grill it up!

Lighter creamy garlic pasta is a favorite of mine. I love that it all cooks in one pot, I LOVE how flavorful it is, and I love how quickly it comes together. I ended up using spaghetti because I didn't have angel hair and I didn't like it as much. I really love how the sauce clings to the delicate angel hair pasta and won't be straying from it next time I make it!

September also brings the Jewish holidays. This year Rosh Hashanah fell on the first full day of school. I was completed wiped out and decided to bring a bakery cake to our gathering. Apparently when I left it was the talk of the town that I didn't bring a homemade dessert, which is usually the main attraction for this crowd. I couldn't disappoint when Yom Kippur came around so I remade my easy snickerdoodles and they were a star. My sister and Frank, her fiance, said they were my favorite dessert to date (probably because they're not chocolate people and I tend to put chocolate in everything...)

I remade a favorite of mine- BBQ chicken enchiladas- this month. John was working from home one day and did me a favor by picking up the baby. For one reason or another I got home before him and wanted to have dinner ready when he walked in so we could eat with Landon for once (Landon goes to bed at 6, John gets home at 7:30, so dinner is never as a family on weekdays). I threw these together with some Mexican rice (from a mix) and it was delicious. Even Landon enjoyed these!

If you've learned one thing from reading my blog it's that we eat a lot of pizza and pasta. This month I made chicken bacon ranch pizza and John could not stop raving about how good it came out. Honestly what made it different is this time I got lazy and I didn't drain the bacon grease. I cooked the chicken in it (I usually drain 95% of it) and it made this pizza to die for. (Like, literally... and figuratively... pretty sure we can't eat too many meals cooked in bacon grease, but oh this was good!)

Last but not least I made cake batter cookies for my birthday at school. I stirred in some sprinkles to make it more exciting and really it was delicious and pretty. My students loved them and were so excited to get a treat on an otherwise typical Tuesday.


  1. Lots of good meals here! I'll have to try your spinach dip and chicken tenders.

  2. Nothing food related, but you mentioned in a post that your son goes to bed at 6:00. What time does he wake in the morning? I have heard a lot of people say the earlier they go to bed the better and later they sleep.

    1. He wakes up 6:30-7:30... depends on the day. Mon-Fri he has to be up by 7 due to our work schedules, but the weekends he will occasionally sleep until 7:30!

  3. awwww......we never ate your homemade cookies....
