
Sunday, November 2, 2014

Oreo Cake

Confession: I don't enjoy making cakes. Cupcakes? Sure. Cookies? Oh yeah. Cake? Not so much.

You see, if I am bringing a dessert to a party I like to sample it first. What if it stinks? I need to know that in advance! The fact that a cake is essentially a mystery until it's sliced, making it impossible to prevent people from tasting it if it's gross, is a gamble that I don't like to take often! Over the summer (yes, I am still posting recipes I made over the summer...) I made this cake to celebrate my uncle's birthday. I figured with chocolate cake, Oreo cookies, and a delicious vanilla buttercream frosting it couldn't be too bad. When we sliced into it I quickly took a bite from my slice to ensure others wouldn't die from repulsion, and sure enough, it was deeeeeelicious. Thank goodness! Everyone who had it enjoyed it which is all you can ask for when baking for others!

Source: Stephanie Cooks Original

2 9" round chocolate cakes, any recipe you like (I used a box... shhhh!)
15 Double Stuffed Oreo cookies
1 batch vanilla buttercream frosting (I use this one here)

1- Place one of the chocolate cakes on a cake stand. Frost with buttercream frosting, creating a thick layer on top.
2- Take 10 of the Oreos and crush them into a fine crumb. Pour the crumbs over the frosting, gently patting into the frosting.
3- Top with the remaining chocolate cake. Frost until well covered.
4- Crush the remaining 5 Oreos and sprinkle the crumbs over the top/sides of the cake.
5- Transfer to the fridge for at least 1 hour to allow the buttercream to set.
6- Bring to room temperature before serving.

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