
Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Thanksgiving Sugar Cookies

I love holidays. All holidays. Even holidays I don't celebrate. There's something about being festive, being surrounded by family and friends, and thinking about others that makes the holiday season so special. Thanksgiving is the kickoff to the holiday season and I really wanted this year to be special. I spent an awful lot of time planning and figuring out the details of this day. One detail that I am particularly proud of is the name tags. These cookies are the name tags for our dinner celebration and I am so thrilled with how they came out. I bought little bags and will place one name cookie and one leaf cookie in each bag and place them at the place settings for each family member. I.CAN'T.WAIT.

For the turkeys I first piped and flooded them with brown icing. Once it dried I used a squeeze bottle and dotted on the beak and waddle. For the eye I just used the tip of a toothpick. Then I wrote the names on with the same icing I used to pipe the leaves below. They came our exactly how I planned and I just love them.

The leaves were an idea I was throwing around. I just filled squirt bottles with red, yellow, and orange icing. I squirted it all over the cookies in a random pattern and then used a toothpick to swirl the colors. I was so impressed with the end results.

The recipe for the cookies and icing can be found here. Each time I work with royal icing I learn something new and gain more comfort in the process. I really think this is a skill that all bakers should have because the options are limitless!


  1. These are so cute! You did a great job on them!

  2. SO CUTE!! I LOVE cookie place settings. And these are great!

  3. Those are soo cute!!

  4. What cute place settings! Definitely the perfect way to set the mood for a party!
