
Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Cranberry Sauce

There are two types of people in this world. People who like their cranberry sauce from a can and people who like it homemade. Ok... maybe this categorization won't encompass all people- but let's run with it, ok? My mom swears by the can. And you can't mash it up- it needs to stay can-like and then be cut into slices. This seriously holds no appeal to me. It looks like Jell-O. Meh. Last Thanksgiving we went to John's cousin's house and I tried homemade cranberry sauce for the first time... I seriously was in shock. You mean this is what it's supposed to be?! C'MON people- put away the can and make this! It is 3 ingredients and one step. Anyone can do it. I made a huge batch of this for John's Thanksgiving potluck at work and it went smoothly. Yay for that. One less thing to worry about for Thanksgiving.

P.S.- I must mention, there will still be the can of cranberry sauce at my dinner. As much as I don't want to it's tradition and my mom would be sad without it. And nobody wants a sad mom on Thanksgiving!

Source: Simply Recipes

1 cup sugar
1 cup water
4 cups (1 12-oz package) fresh or frozen cranberries
Optional Ingredients: Pecans, orange peel, raisins, currants, blueberries, cinnamon, nutmeg, allspice.


1 Wash and pick over cranberries. In a saucepan bring to a boil water and sugar, stirring to dissolve sugar. Add cranberries, return to a boil. Reduce heat, simmer until cranberries burst (10-20 minutes).

2 At this point you can add any of the optional ingredients.

3 Remove from heat. Cool completely at room temperature and then chill in refrigerator. Cranberry sauce will thicken as it cools.

Cranberry sauce base makes 2 1/4 cups.


  1. There's a 3rd type of didn't like cranberry sauce. Until I tried this one :)

    I'm making this for Thanksgiving. All the others I've seen included all different sorts of ingredients. This one is nice and simple.

  2. Wow, great minds think alike!

    I just love whole berry cranberry sauce.

  3. i LOVE the jelly kind!!! :D
    love the sugar cookie name tag thingies too!! :) cuteness

  4. I can't wait to try this! It is 12:30 AM the night before Thanksgiving(or the morning of actually) and I am stressing about my cranberry sauce. I am in Estonia and can't find the canned stuff--I know, I am so bad. This looks simple enough, thanks for sharing!! My hubby thinks I am crazy, but I can't have my Turkey without Cranberry sauce!!

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