
Friday, September 25, 2015

Pesto Chicken Flatbreads

Well, hello out there. Wonder where I've been? Well, I had a beautiful baby girl on July 21 and have taken some time off to just enjoy her, feed her, recoup, and relax. Now that she's 2 months life feels a bit more "normal" and I'm trying to get back in the kitchen and back in the swing of things. I have some recipes that I made months ago and never shared, so I am going to try to get back into blogging. I've missed it!

These flatbreads are pretty much the easiest meal ever, but the end results are delicious. They scream of summer, which is... over... but hey, I had a baby and I'm behind, ok?! Even though summer is technically over there's still plenty of warm days again so I vote you go ahead and try these, ok? I love the balsamic drizzle over the top and thing it just brought all the flavors together while also adding a subtle sweetness. I think some caramelized onions would just send these over the top- next time!

Source: Stephanie Cooks Original

Per each flatbread:
1 piece of Naan bread (or a pita)
1 tbsp pesto
2 tomato slices
Cooked chicken (you can use grilled, rotisserie, etc... whatever you have)
1/3 cup shredded mozzarella cheese
Balsamic glaze (not vinegar- you want the thickened glaze)

1- Preheat a pizza stone to 450.
2- On the flat bread spread the pesto. Top with the tomatoes and chicken. Sprinkle the cheese over top.
3- Bake 10 minutes or until crust is crisp and cheese is melted.
4- Drizzle with the balsamic glaze.


  1. Congratulations! I have been patiently awaiting your return!!

  2. Congrats on the baby girl!! And welcome back! ~Kyla
