
Monday, November 24, 2014

Creamy Balsamic Chicken

Before I was a mom I had visions that I would be the mom who had a kid that was a great eater. Then I had Landon and the fist year and a half he was a great eater, so I assumed I rocked. I mean, I cook! A lot! All types of stuff! I assumed it was a given. I was even smug about it. "Oh...your kid eats XYZ?! No...not mine... He LOVES healthy foods..." (of course this occurred in my head... but it did occur).

Then Landon turned 18 months. Then two. Then 2.5. Now he's turning 3 this week. It seems like every six months the list of foods he likes gets smaller. By 3.5 I am sure he will live on air and crackers alone.

Anyway, why am I telling you this? Get to the point, right? So this chicken. Look, Landon LOVES chicken and will usually used to eat it any way I present it. Then I made this. I made a point to make sure it wasn't gloppy, mostly unsauced, but no. He told me it was gross, looked messy, and was "too yucky to even taste." ::sigh::

But let me tell you, my kid has no taste. This was so delicious that John and I swept the carefully cut pieces off of Landon's plate and back onto ours. It was too good to go to waste. The sauce had a nice balance of creamy and tart. The chicken was so tender... just an all around winner!

Source: Adapted from Lauren's Latest

1 pound chicken tenders
Lawry's Seasoning Salt
Cracked black pepper
1 tbsp butter
1/2 15 oz jar light alfredo sauce (or more if you like it saucy)
1-2 tbsp balsamic vinegar (depending on how tart you want it)

1- Season chicken with Lawry's and pepper. Set aside.
2- Add butter to a skillet over medium/high heat and melt. Add the chicken and allow to brown on one side, then flip. Once brown on both sides, remove.
3- Add the sauce and vinegar. Allow to heat together for 5 minutes, scraping up the brown bits from the pan.
4- Add the chicken back to the pan. Top with dried parsley for color (if desired). Once hot, serve over pasta.

1 comment:

  1. HA! I feel you!! Hayden turns 3 on Sunday, and seriously - I used to congratulate myself on how well he ate at 18 months.

    Now he's nearly 3 and I stay very quiet on his diet.
