
Sunday, October 26, 2014

Last Minute Waffles

Feeding Landon is an exercise in futility. The kid doesn't love food. He inherited this from his father and sometimes it feels like I am living with the wrong group of people!! When Landon shows interest in food, any type of food, I usually jump at the opportunity to feed him. One day we were driving and he mentioned wanting M&Ms. Now, this may be a typical experience for an almost 3 year old, but Landon has NEVER requested candy, food, or anything that he could eat. So, being the Jewish mother that I am, I quickly pulled over to the nearest CVS, ran in, and got him a bag. Guess how many he ate? ONE. One. ONE!!! Who eats one M&M?! (Not me... I ate the rest of the bag.)

Anyway, recently Landon requested waffles. My mom had made him a waffle when she was babysitting and I guess it hit the spot. Only problem was I didn't have any frozen waffles. I did a quick Google search to find a recipe that had standard ingredients that I'd have on hand and VOILA- these occurred. I much prefer waffles that have buttermilk in them but these were good for a last minute recipe. They made a ton- I cut them each in half and froze them for later.

Source: Allrecipes

2 eggs
1 tbsp white sugar
2 cups all purpose flour
4 teaspoons baking powder
1 3/4 cup milk
1/4 tsp salt
1/2 cup vegetable oil
1 tsp vanilla extract

1- Preheat waffle iron. 
2- Beat eggs in large bowl with hand beater until fluffy. 
3- Beat in flour, milk, vegetable oil, sugar, baking powder, salt and vanilla, just until smooth.
4- Spray preheated waffle iron with non-stick cooking spray. 
5- Pour mix onto hot waffle iron. Cook until golden brown. Serve hot.

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