
Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Parmesan Garlic Oven Fries

John and I don't often eat at chain restaurants, but when we do one we both enjoy is Houlihan's. We are both huge fans of their spinach dip... and honestly, that's the only reason I go there. If I had to pick my last meal on Earth it would likely start with Houlihan's spinach dip. One time when we were there John got a side of their parmesan fries and I was in heaven. Technically they were John's, but I ate my fair share. He's a good man... he knows better than to not share with me!

I decided to make a version at home so it could be a bit healthier and more readily available. These were amazing. They are so easy to make- Landon even did a lot of the work to assemble them! It's such an easy side dish and has so much flavor. You can add fresh garlic too to give it more punch. I intended to but then Landon was a bit of a beast challenging at bedtime and I never got to it. Even without the fresh garlic they were amazing!

Source: Stephanie Cooks Original

2 Russet potatoes, scrubbed
1 tbsp roasted garlic olive oil (or regular oil if you can't find it)
1 tsp garlic salt
Cracked black pepper
3 tbsp parmesan cheese
1 tbsp chopped fresh parsley

1- Preheat the oven to 450.
2- Slice the potatoes into wedges. Rub with the olive oil.
3- Sprinkle with the garlic salt and pepper.
4- Bake for 35 minutes, flipping halfway through.
5- Remove from the oven. Cover in cheese and parsley.


  1. When my mouth waters at a post... I know I better make whatever recipe it was. I'm such a sucker for cheese on anything. These look good!

  2. I am always looking for new ways to make oven fries; these look amazing!
