
Monday, March 17, 2014

Sweet and Spicy Chicken Fajitas

When I make fajitas I pretty much always do it the same way: throw my peppers, onions, and chicken in a pan, add some seasonings, and cook under a high heat until the veggies are tender and the meat is cooked. I don't use sauces, I prefer the natural flavors to shine through. However, when a friend of mine on a cooking forum I frequent mentioned a sweet and spicy version I decided to give it a try. I ended up heavily heavily modifying it, to the point where it's more of an original recipe, but I am so glad she posted about these because they were GOOD! Landon was even a huge fan of the chicken, eating the leftover pieces for dinner for the next couple of days. I will be making these often because the flavor was subtle enough to not mask the original flavors of the meat and veggies, but deep enough to make it interesting. John was a huge fan too- he ate more of these than of my go-to recipe.

1 pound chicken breasts, sliced thin
3 bell peppers, sliced thin, any colors
1/2 onion, red or sweet
3 tbsp honey
3 tbsp worcestershire sauce
2 tsp sriracha sauce
2 tbsp soy sauce
1 tbsp Southwestern seasonings
Flour tortillas for serving

1- Preheat the oven to 400.
2- In a large baking dish combine the peppers and onions. Bake for 15 minutes, until starting to go soft, and remove from the oven.
3- Add the chicken to the pan.
4- In a small bowl combine the remaining ingredients, stirring well. Pour over the chicken and peppers, mix well.
5- Bake for 20 minutes, until chicken is cooked through.
6- Serve hot with flour tortillas.

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