
Thursday, January 2, 2014

The Creamiest, Fluffiest Scrambled Eggs

Happy New Year!!! Welcome to 2014 my dear friends!

This year we switched things up for Christmas and started a new tradition. I hosted a small breakfast on Christmas morning for my immediate family where we all opened gifts, then we all migrated to my sisters later that day where she hosted a big dinner for our family and her fiancee's family. It was great! When it comes to breakfast food, however, I have to admit it's just not my speciality. For one I don't eat eggs or most breakfast meat. Give me a bagel or a pancake and I'm thrilled. So when it came time to host I knew I had to serve some type of egg dish but wasn't sure what to make. I'd remembered seeing Cassie's blog a few weeks back with this egg recipe and decided to try it. My mom is a purest when it comes to food so when she saw me whisking cream cheese into the eggs she was a little concerned (and truthfully I tried to do this before she got there as to not alarm her but my timing was off!) but in the end these were a hit. Every last bit went and now I know for next year that I need to make almost double the recipe. Everyone who had them loved them, and poor Landon who is allergic was yelling, "I want eggys! I want eggys!"

Source: Cassie Craves

8 whole eggs
3 tablespoons cream cheese (regular or any savory flavor)
Splash of milk
Salt and pepper to taste
3 tablespoons butter

1. Crack the eggs into a large bowl. Add the cream cheese, milk, and salt and pepper, and whisk well. The cream cheese will still be in small clumps, but that's fine.
2. Melt the butter in a large skillet over medium heat. Add the eggs and cook, scrambling gently, to desired doneness.

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