
Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Caprese Pinwheels

I can honestly say that my life is currently the most fulfilling it's ever been. My career is flourishing, my son is thriving at his school and is growing so much, John and I are happy as can be, and everyone in my life is healthy and doing well. When I think back to my life a few years ago it was just as good then- I didn't feel like I was missing out on anything- and I certainly had a lot more free time. I remember New Years Eve in years past was spent with other couples going out, going to parties, or just hanging out at home with friends. Now that we have a 2 year old NYE is a different holiday entirely. My little man is sound asleep by 6:30 most days, often as early as 6:00. Making it an additional 6 hours just isn't going to happen for him! I decided to host a little NYE play date for him and two of his buddies (early...very early) on NYE so he could experience eating junk food, having fun with friends, and celebrating. And still go to bed on time.

One of the appetizers I made were these pinwheels. We go to a local pizzeria/Italian restaurant very often and they have these amazing cheesy pinwheels that we love. I decided to make a version of those but decided to add some tomatoes and basil making them that much more delicious! These were a hit and every single pinwheel went between the toddlers and the moms (although I think it was all the moms because the toddlers managed to eat a whole bag of cheese doodles between the three of them!) These are great for an easy appetizer or dinner. Serve them with a salad and you have a light and easy dinner!

Source: Stephanie Cooks Original

1 batch of pizza dough
1 cup shredded mozzarella cheese (fresh mozzarella is preferred, but any kind is fine)
1/2 cup diced tomatoes
1/4 cup julienned basil leaves
3 tbsp butter, melted
1/2 tsp Italian seasoning
1/4 tsp garlic salt

1- Preheat the oven to 450.
2- Line a cookie sheet with a Silpat or parchment paper.
3- Roll out the pizza dough until thin and rectangular. Top with the cheese, add the tomatoes and basil.
4- Start on the longer side and roll towards the center, continuing to roll until fully rolled. Tuck the ends in and under.
5- In a small bowl combine the melted butter, Italian seasoning, and garlic salt. Brush this mixture over the top of the dough.
6- Using a cerated knife slice into even pinwheels. Transfer to the baking sheet, cheese/tomato mixture facing up.
7- Bake 15 minutes or until the dough is golden and the cheese is melted.
8- Serve with marinara dipping sauce.


  1. I have been salivating over these ever since yesterday. I cannot wait to make them!!
