
Thursday, October 10, 2013

Hawaiian-ish Pizza

John loves Hawaiian pizza the way I love chicken on pizza, and if you've followed my pizza recipes you know I love chicken on my pizza. Every now and then I throw John a bone and make something that I don't particularly enjoy but that I know he love. This pizza is exactly that. I'm not a fan of sweet things on my pizza, so I was reluctant to put pineapple on, but I know ham and pineapple are the two key elements of a Hawaiian pizza. While I like ham, and I really do, I just wasn't feeling the idea so I decided to use bacon. John may love his Hawaiian pizza, but he REALLY loves bacon so I knew he wouldn't be too disappointed with my swap, and sure enough he wasn't! I was skeptical, but in the end I really enjoyed this pizza. I still didn't love the pineapple on it, but John, the true Hawaiian pizza fan, loved it and I was happy to make him happy.

In other news, I made this recipe in May and have been delaying sharing it because I just hate the picture. There's no crust! Every now and then I transfer my pizza to the stone and in the process make a total mess- this was one of those instances. The whole pizza fell on top of itself and I was stuck trying to reassemble it while it was on a 450 degree stone. Meh. What a mess. But it was delish, just not pretty!

Source: Stephanie Cooks Original

3 slices center cut bacon
1 batch pizza dough
1/2 cup tomato sauce
1 cup mozzarella cheese
1/4 tsp Italian seasonings
2 slices pineapple, diced

1- Preheat the oven to 450. 
2- In a large skillet cook the bacon until crisp, then drain and chop. 
3- Meanwhile, roll out the pizza dough on a surface coated in corn meal. 
4- Once the dough is thin, cover with tomato sauce, cheese, Italian seasonings, diced pineapple, and diced bacon.
5- Bake 12-15 minutes, until the crust is golden and the cheese is melted. 

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