
Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Toddler Tuesdays: Sunbutter and Honey Muffins

Yay for Toddler Tuesdays! Time to see what Landon's been eating lately... and surprise... it's a bread product! The kid lives on bread.

I'm still in a bit of denial that I have a child with peanut allergies, among other food allergies. I remember being pregnant and joking with a foodie friend that I'd die if my kid had food allergies since I live, breathe, and die food. Well, low and behold I have the most adorable and amazing boy who is highly allergic to so many things! I guess it's a blessing that I am a foodie though because I am able to take on the challenge of making him foods that are tasty and yet accommodate his needs.

If you have a child who goes to daycare or school you're aware that many schools are peanut free, and some are even tree nut free as well. I have discovered that Sunbutter is the alternative of choice to nut-free butters, and Landon is a fan! I mix Sunbutter in many things for him, but this was my first time baking with it. These were so easy to make and were tasty. They were soft and delicious. Perfect for school treats since they are nut free and easy to pack!

Source: Adapted from Becky Bakes

1 cup all purpose flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
pinch of salt
3 tablespoons sunbutter (sunflower seed butter)
2 tablespoons oil
3 tablespoons honey
1 cup milk 

1- Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
2- Whisk the flour, baking powder, baking soda and salt.
3- Add the sunbutter and oil and mix with a fork until crumbs form.
4- Add the milk and honey and mix until combined.
5- Pour into muffin tins (about 3/4 full) and bake for 10-12 minutes, until tops are golden brown and spring back when you touch them. (If making mini muffins adjust bake time to 8-10 minutes).


  1. Can Landon have almonds?
    This looks like a great recipe!

    1. We haven't tried it- he is not allergic according to the dr but we still haven't given it to him.

  2. I have an allergy baby also (dairy, soy, eggs, and nuts) almond and almond milk is okay for us, though. For anyone wondering whether or not you can substitute with almond milk, they came out great. I may or may not have added dairy free chocolate chips as well :)
