
Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Brownie Bottom Ice Cream Cake

Today is my 29th birthday. HOW I am turning 29 today is really a mystery to me. I feel like I just wrote this confetti cupcake post on my birthday, only when I wrote that I was turning 25. My how life has changed in these four years... most notably being my son and all the joy he has added to my life. I really am not a big birthday person, it's more or less just another day, but still, it's good to celebrate, no?

I had intended to make this cake for my birthday but was impatient and made it for Labor Day. It was totally delicious and everyone at the BBQ loved it. It's just so decadent and sinful and delicious. Totally yum. Since I won't be eating this on my birthday I figured I could at least share this yumminess with you for my big 2-9. My last year in my twenties... oh boy! So if you feel like celebrating something, or just eating the most delicious dessert in the world, try this cake. It's heaven on a plate.

Source: Slightly adapted from Cookies and Cups

1 box brownie mix, 15-18 oz (NOT Family Sized) made according to package directions in an 8x8 pan
1 1/2 cups chocolate frosting
1.5 qts ice cream (I used vanilla caramel swirl)
1 cup Cool Whip

1- Spray an 8x8 or 11x7 deep-dish baking dish with cooking spray. Sides need to come up at least 3 inches to leave room for the ice cream and whipped cream layer.
2- Bake brownies according to package directions.
3- Let cool completely before moving on to next step.
4- Spread chocolate frosting onto cooled brownies.
5- Place frosted brownies in refrigerator.
6- Now remove ice cream from freezer and allow to soften for about 30 minutes.
7- Remove brownies from refrigerator and top with ice cream, spreading evenly. Top with Cool Whip and sprinkles. Spread onto ice cream cake and place in freezer for at least 3 hours.
9- Remove from freezer about 10 minutes before serving so it softens enough to cut.


  1. Happy Birthday! That certainly looks like a way to celebrate.

  2. Happy Birthday! The brownie cake looks AWESOME!

  3. Happy 29th Birthday, Stephanie! You've reached the age you'll be forever! ;) I hope you're having a wonderful day...the cake looks amazing!

  4. Happy Birthday to my favorite Foodie Friend! This looks scrumptious and a great crowd-pleasing dessert!My b-day is in March (wink wink):)

  5. Happy B-day old timer!!!

  6. I'm hoping that my kids would love the cupcakes I've made.
