
Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Ultimate Bundt Cake

My memory is interesting. I have a strong visual memory for images, pictures, recipes, etc. I have an excellent memory when it comes to social interactions. I have the WORST memory when it comes to books and TV. I will swear I never saw a movie, watched a show, or read a particular book, only to realize half way through that it is vaguely familiar. Ironically I've been holding onto this recipe in my mind for years. Lauren posted this in 2010 and I have literally remembered it since then. Granted it's 3 years later, but hey- I got around to finally making it!

This cake was delicious. I made it for a small family dinner and everyone loved it. Landon was also a huge fan. He kept screaming "FOOD! NEED FOOD!" and wanting more. Ironically he didn't like the chocolate chips, he spit those out. Are we related?! John and I loved them as well, but we resisted screaming "Need food!" when we wanted more, although we may have wanted to.

*As a side note, I can't find my bundt pan so I used my mini bundt pans, but I'm going to include the directions for a full sized bundt cake since I think that's how most people will make it. If you use a mini pan just cut the bake time! I added a simple vanilla glaze after they cooled, but that's not necessary. Just added a little extra pizzazz. 

Source: Slightly adapted from Lauren's Kitchen

1 box yellow cake mix
1 small instant box vanilla pudding mix
1 cup sour cream
3 large eggs
1/4 cup vegetable oil
1/4 cup applesauce
1 cup semisweet chocolate chips, divided
1 cup milk chocolate chips


1- Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Using and electric mixer, blend the cake mix, pudding, sour cream, eggs, oil and applesauce 5-6 minutes. 
2- Grease and flour a bundt or tube pan. Pour 1/3 of the batter into pan and sprinkle one half of chocolate chips  over it. Pour in remaining batter and top with remaining chips. 
3- Bake 50 to 55 minutes. Cool about 5 minutes, then turn out onto a serving plate; cool completely.

1 comment:

  1. Ultimate satisfaction! Worth the three year wait.
