
Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Toddler Tuesdays: Banana Oatmeal Bites

Oh Toddler Tuesdays, I haven't forgotten about you! I swear.

I haven't been too adventurous in the kitchen lately with Landon. Little man is picky, and as a cook, picky eaters are seriously not fun to cook for! However I decided it was time to try another new treat for Landon and decided to use what I had in the house to make him a cookie/cracker type snack. You see, Landon will eat crackers like nothing else. Saturday night he ate 14 crackers. FOURTEEN CRACKERS. I was in shock. So I decided to try something cracker shaped that was healthier.

These oatmeal bites are great. They are soft- more of a cookie texture than a cracker- and dense. Landon has been nibbling on them since I made them and seems to like them. I think he's definitely confused as to why they taste like "nana" but don't look like one haha! You could add in some raisins, chocolate chips (which, btw, Landon doesn't like! WHO doesn't like chocolate?!?!?!), or any other mix in that appeals to you. Definitely an easy recipe that makes a healthy, toddler friendly, snack.
(Pardon this off coloring, my son is not this shade of red, it's the best pic I could get- he screamed "CHEESE" as I took this, then refused to let me take another one haha!)

Source: Stephanie Cooks Original

2 large overripe bananas
1 cup quick cook oats
2 tbsp graham crumbs
1 tsp canola oil

1- Preheat the oven to 350. Line a cookie sheet with silpats or parchment paper.
2- In a bowl mash the bananas until smooth. Stir in the oats, graham crumbs, and oil. Stir well until fully combined.
3- Scoop tablespoons into sheets. Flatten. Bake 15 minutes, until golden.
4- Remove and allow to cool on cooking sheet.


  1. Great idea! How old is Landon now? He's so cute! My daughter is also very picky and I feel like I'm always trying to figure out what healthy snacks to give her. I'm going to try this for her. Thanks for the idea!

  2. Wow - never even thought of this combo. GREAT idea!!!
    How long do they keep, do you think?

    1. I'm not sure- we're up to 3-4 days now and they're still good!
