
Saturday, June 1, 2013

Help Briarwood Elementary School

When I'm not whipping up something in my kitchen or typing up blog posts frantically on my lap top, I spend my time teaching. This year my students participated in a program called The Great Mail Race where we reached out to one 5th grade class per state to learn what 5th grade was like where they lived. Last week we received a package full of letters from Briarwood Elementary School in Oklahoma. Instantly one of my students realized that Briarwood was the school that had been directly hit by the tornado. A quick google search showed that Briarwood was in fact hit and demolished. In fact, here's what was left of their school:

I was sick to my stomach. The fact that we wrote to Briarwood was a complete coincidence  but I couldn't just leave it at that. I had to help. I had to get in contact with the teacher and see if the kids were ok and if I could help. I instantly got a hold of the teacher and began a fundraiser for the children at her school. I created an Amazon wish list of toys/games/books to replace the items her students lost.

If you have the means, please help and donate an item to these children. I am desperately trying to get a huge amount of gifts to Mrs. Dzietzic's kids and school, and so far we have collected over 200 items in 2 days. You can help by checking out the wish list here and purchasing an item. If you're a blogger, please feel free to share the link to the wish list, share my post, or create your own post on the topic. AND if you watch ABC World News you just might see me on there very soon- they are coming to film about the fundraiser in my classroom this coming week!

Please check out the wish list and donate if you can:

1 comment:

  1. I tried convincing the people in my church today.
