
Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Cheesy Cous Cous with Chicken & Spinach

I am a very visual person, especially when it comes to food. If I see a recipe and someone used penne pasta, I have to use penne. I know very well that rotini would work, but I must use penne. Don't even get me started with mixing various types of pasta together... it make me shake a little on the inside. It just doesn't look right! When this recipe popped up on Tina's blog I instantly added it to my menu. I knew Landon would love it and I'm a big fan of anything that uses Laughing Cow cheese. However, due to my insanity I had to find the exact same brand of cous cous that Tina used because I loved how large and perfectly spherical the pasta was. (Are you judging me yet? I don't blame you... truly I don't.)

This dish was delicious. Landon loved it and gobbled it up. The leftovers were perfect and made for easy daycare lunches. Can't beat a simple meal like this! I ended up making 1.5 times the original recipe so it'd be enough for 2 adult dinners and a baby, so I'd definitely suggest doubling the recipe if you're cooking for a family!

Source: Carrots 'N Cake

1 cup chopped spinach (frozen or fresh)
1.5 cups chunked chicken
2 tbsp milk
4 wedges of The Laughing Cow Light French Onion cheese
1 tsp garlic powder
1 cup uncooked pearl/Israeli couscous

1- Cook pearl/Israeli couscous as instructed by directions on package in a large pot on the stove top. 
2- Add the wedges of cheese, spinach, milk, garlic powder, and chicken to the pot while it is still hot. 
3- Mix well. Serve immediately.

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