
Friday, March 16, 2012


Hi there my friends.

 I have some sad changes going on around these parts. As you know I've been dealing with a dairy allergy with my son. I have been dairy free for one month... but my son isn't better. So now I am dairy free AND soy free. Yes... say goodbye to my love for Asian food and almost all prepackaged foods. Bye bye... ::sobs loudly::

Ok, so with that said, my eating is going to be... boring. You know, simple proteins, veggies, grains. I am going to be working my hardest to come up with new and exciting recipes to share (and to eat, obviously) but for now I don't know how often I'll be updating. I am going to try my hardest to update at least twice a week but for now I need to really focus on getting a handle on these allergies. As a mother there is never a right/wrong answer and the decision to continue nursing my son while giving up many (ok, all... ::sobs again::) of my favorite foods has not been easy. I still am not even sure if I can do it, but here's to trying!


  1. Good luck with your little fella. This blog has been so fantastic in the past, I look forward to whatever comes next.

  2. So sorry to hear this. I wish you the best of luck on your journey to soy and dairy free eating!

  3. You can do it! I had to go gluten-free last year when my fiance was diagnosed with Celiac and I literally cried as I emptied out our cabinets. A year later, it really wasn't so bad! I know that dairy & soy are a bit more of a leap but the replacements aren't terrible (though, some really are) and I feel SO much better now that I eat less pre-packaged food & carefully read the labels on my food. I hope this works for your little guy!

    ps. What are his symptoms? My best friend is an allergy nurse and she helped us so much; email me if you want!

  4. It is so hard to see your little one so sick! Good luck with this!

  5. Good Luck, Stephanie, and I hope that you and your little man find out what's going on and that you find foods that work for you.

  6. I am a long time reader, first time commenter and I wanted to say that I admire the sacrifices you are making for your little guy. I nursed my first for 14 months and am due next week with my second. I hope to have the same nursing relationship with her as well. I never dealt with any kind of allergies with my son so I cannot imagine what you are dealing with, but I think it is amazing what you are doing for him. I hope they find the root of the problem and that you are able to continue nursing as long as you want. Good luck, and I will look forward to new posts popping up in my reader when you are able to update!

  7. I am a long time reader but this is my first time commenting. I wanted to tell you how much I admire the sacrifices you are making for your son. I nursed my son for 14 months, am expecting our second next week, and hope to have the same nursing relationship with her. I never had to deal with any allergies or food sensitivities with my little guy, so I cannot imagine what you are going through but I think you are amazing for what you are giving up for him. I hope that the drs can figure out what is triggering his problems and you are able to continue nursing as long as you want. Good luck!

  8. Best of luck to you! I have been reading for awhile but have never (I don't think) commented, but just wanted to assure you that I'll keep you in my blog reader for whenever you do come back. And if you want to blog about general parenting things, that's okay, too :) You're doing what's best for your little guy and I have much respect for you for that. I hope you can figure out his allergies!

  9. I'm so sorry to hear that! I have a 2 month old and I am also dairy free. I am also considering going soy free as well. The things we do for our babes. :) I was curious what your babies symptoms were or what caused you to go soy and dairy free?

    1. Hey Cami! Sorry to hear you're dairy free too! He had blood in his stool, green stools,and sometimes spit up a bit. All of this cleared up when I was dairy free for a week, then it came back so they said to cut the soy too. Good luck, it's hard!


    This website may have some useful information for you!

  11. I am dairy free and egg free with some gluten and soy sensitivity. (Still figuring it all out) eating and meal planning will get better and the good news is that since you are not allegeric you will be able to return to these foods in several months! Hang in there!
