
Monday, February 8, 2010

Banana Oatmeal Cups with Chocolate Chips

I eat my breakfast at work daily, usually while I run from the copy room to the office, or while picking up the crayons that have inevitably hit the floor since the prior day. With that said I really prefer portable breakfasts that I can eat while on the go. In an effort to eat less processed foods I am finding that breakfast can be quite challenging since I don't eat too many granola bars anymore. When I found this recipe for baked oatmeal muffins I knew it was perfect. I really liked these. I found they were pretty dense and oatty tasting but the chocolate chips really gave them an exciting kick. If you make these do not expect them to be light and fluffy like muffins- they aren't. They are little baked oatmeal cups of deliciousness. If I make them again I would add a healthy dose of cinnamon to spice them up a bit- but as you know if you have been reading my blog for a period of time I think everything is better with cinnamon. Pair one of these guys with a serving of fruit and you have a delicious breakfast!

Source: Adapted from GreenLiteBites


3 mashed bananas (the more ripe the better!)
1 cup 1 % milk
2 eggs
1 tbsp baking powder
3 cups (240g) Old Fashion or Rolled Oats
2 tsps vanilla extract
3 tbsp (42g) mini chocolate chips


Preheat oven to 375 degrees

Mix all ingredients except the chocolate chips together, and let sit while you prepare the muffin pans.

Spray a muffin pan and/or liners with with non-stick spray.

Stir the chocolate chips into the oatmeal batter.

Divide batter into 15 muffin cups. They should be just about filled.

Bake 20-30 minutes, you’ll see the edges just starting to brown and they will be firm to the touch.

The muffins may stick when hot but are removed easily when cooled for a bit.

** 2 points per oatmeal cup


  1. These sound so good, I threw a batch in the oven right away!

  2. Mmmm...looks good. But only 2 points for a regular sized muffin? Too good to be true!

  3. i'm all about the dense muffins...can't wait to try these! i have ripe bananas in my freezer just needing to be made into these ;)

  4. I'll have to remember this recipe when I have some ripe bananas to use up. :)

  5. Delish! I made these tonight- I beat the bananas and eggs a little bit extra, and I think that it lightened them up a bit. These will be a regular in our house!

  6. Made these this morning. They were so easy I was able to make them while I was getting ready for work! Although I didn't have chocolate chips, so I used dried cranberries instead. Delicious!

  7. I made these while school was still in session and they were PERFECT for those crazy mornings filled with meetings. Loved them.
