
Thursday, October 29, 2009

Ghost Cookies

This is my second Halloween goody for you! These were so incredibly easy to make that I encourage you to whip up a batch. It doesn't hurt that you are using store bought cookies for the base- that certainly makes the process go quickly! I had seen these cookies in a magazine awhile ago but never bought the magazine so I unfortunately can't give credit where credit is due. If anyone knows where I saw these please feel free to let me know!

2 packages of Stella D'Oro Breakfast Cookies
One batch of royal icing prepared and slightly thinned (flooding consistency)
Black food coloring

1- Cover the counter with parchment paper.
2- Line cookie cooling racks over the parchment paper. Top the racks with the breakfast cookies.
3- Spoon a small amount of the royal icing into a small, air tight container, and cover. Set aside.
4- Using a large spoon, spoon the remaining royal icing over the cookies and allow to set until hard.
5- Slowly add black food coloring to the small container of royal icing. Stir and add more until it's the right shade of black.
6- Place the black icing in a piping bag. Pipe on the ghost faces.

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