
Saturday, September 26, 2009

Crock Pot Applesauce

If I told you that the above applesauce was made by 18 six year olds would you believe me? Because it was! This is my latest adventure of cooking with first graders and it was once again fun, delicious, and exciting. I have been making this recipe for years now with my students but this year I perfected it! I have been messing around with types of apples, amounts of sugar, etc. I finally got it just right. My kids ate this up so fast and were begging for more. One even asked for "the formula" so she could make it at home. I sent it down to the office for the office staff and the guidance counselor called over the loud speaker to ask me for the recipe. She said it was the best applesauce she has ever had. If you are looking for a great applesauce I can't recommend this highly enough- it's so good.

Source: Stephanie Cook's Original

6 Granny Smith apples
3 Red Delicious apples
3 McIntosh apples
3/4 cup of light brown sugar
1.5 tablespoons of lemon juice
Cinnamon to taste (I used several healthy shakes of cinnamon)

1- Peel and slice your apples, place them in the crock pot.
2- Pour in the lemon juice, sugar, and cinnamon. Stir to combine.
3- Cook on low for about 4 hours.
4- Using a potato masher mash up the apples. It will be very juicy and liquid. Turn off the crock pot and allow it to sit for about 30 minutes so it reabsorbs the liquid and thickens. Stir well.
5- Serve warm of chilled!


  1. yay for johnny appleseed! :D
    i can't believe u only have 18 kids! how nice!!

    ur last couple of entries all seem DELISH!! especially the chicken pot pie! YUM!!!

  2. This looks great! I had forgotten that we made applesauce in grade school, although I don't think ours turned out as good as this. Next batch of apples I get is going to this!
