
Friday, September 18, 2009

Cookies and Cream Rice Krispie Treats

Sometimes I just feel like baking. A short time ago I couldn't understand baking frequently because I equated baking with eating baked goods. I saw constant baking as constant weight gain. Now I see baking as something so different. I bake to relax. I bake to share my hobby with others. Baked goods make people happy and I enjoy that. The other day I came home from work and I was stressed. The school year was new and busy, grad school was kicking up again, and my to-do list was growing. Now a productive person would start the to-do list. I on the other hand made these rice krispie treats! Hey- it all gets done eventually.

These came out really good. I decided to make them for John's coworkers since it had been awhile since I sent in a treat. They came together in less than 10 minutes and were beautiful looking. A real must try- especially if you have kids! My version uses the same ingredients as Picky Palate but I have altered most of the quantities. I will link you to the original below. Overall delicious- make them soon.

Source: Inspired by Picky Palate

5 cups of Rice Krispie cereal
3 tablespoons of butter
1 10.5 oz bag of mini marshmallows
12 oreos, smashed
1/4 cup of milk chocolate chips, melted

1- In a large saucepan heat the butter over low heat. Stir in the marshmallows and stir constantly until melted.
2- Add the rice krispies, stir until evenly coated. Add in the Oreo cookies- stir.
3- Using a greased spatula press the mixture into the bottom of a greased 9x13 pan. Allow to cool and harden.
4- Slice into pieces. Drizzle the melted chocolate over the pieces and allow the chocolate to harden. Enjoy!


  1. looks delish! :) i'm son glad u have this blog~ makes me feel like i'm still in edison with you ;)

  2. Oh my. What an easy and delicious variation! I have to try these when my next rice krispie craving strikes (which is often!).

  3. These look awesome. I bet they are a crowd pleaser!

  4. Sharing baked goods with friends and family is one of the things I love most about baking :). These look incredible.
