
Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Asian Salad

Applebees. Blech. No offense to anyone who likes it, but I just don't. I like the nostalgia of it- going there after 10 in high school and college for half priced appetizers. But the food is just ok. My mom however LOVES the Oriental Chicken Salad there. Last time I went there I tried it after hearing about it so long and I was pleasantly surprised. It was pretty good. I loved the dressing and the salad itself was not bad. Not good enough to go running back, but good enough that I don't break into a cold sweat if someone suggests going there for lunch or dinner now.

When I saw this recipe pop up in my Google Reader I squealed a little bit. Now I can make that tasty salad at home! The original recipe, linked below, calls for chicken. If I was making this as an entree I would definitely use the chicken. However I was using it as a side dish for a BBQ so I did not. I also did not fry the rice noodles. I chose to boil about 2 ounces and chop it up. I loved this salad so much. The dressing was fabulous and will be one of my go-to salad dressing recipes. A serious must try.

Source: Adapted from Blog Chef


2 tablespoons brown sugar
2 teaspoons soy sauce
1 tablespoon sesame oil (optional)
¼ cup vegetable oil
3 tablespoons rice vinegar

1 head of lettuce, iceberg or romaine, rinsed and chopped
2 ounces of rice noodles, boiled and chopped
1/2 cup of chow mein noodles
1 small can of mandarin oranges, drained
2 chicken breasts (optional), grilled

To make the dressing- In a salad dressing carafe or container combine brown sugar, soy sauce, sesame oil, vegetable oil, and rice vinegar. Shake and mix well (dressing should be prepared at least half hour before making the salad- I made mine the night before and it was perfect)

In a large bowl combine lettuce, cooked chicken (if using), and mandarin oranges. Let chill for 10 minutes in the refrigerator. Just before serving add the rice noodles and chow mein noodles. Pour dressing on the salad or allow everyone to put the dressing on their own plates of salad.

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