
Sunday, July 12, 2009

Tomato Pesto Pizza with Chicken

I love pizza. I really do. And I really love "fake" pizza- think Ellios, Boboli, Pizza Hut, etc. Growing up in Jersey and spending a lot of time in NYC I of course love real pizza too, I don't discriminate. I recently found jarred chopped basil in my grocery store and was dying to try it. I have bought (and killed...) 3 basil plants so the jarred stuff is my new best friend. I originally saw this recipe on Annie Eats and knew I would try it sooner or later. I don't love pesto sauce but I do really enjoy tomato pesto sauce so I decided to make some. This pizza came out great and we really enjoyed it.

Source: Adapted from Annie Eats

Pizza crust
Tomato pesto sauce (recipe below)
Shredded mozzarella cheese
A handful of grape tomatoes, chopped in 1/3
1 thin chicken breast, cooked and diced
Salt and pepper

1- Preheat the oven to 450.
2- Spread a thin layer of sauce over the crust.
3- Top with grape tomatoes and chicken.
4- Sprinkle with salt and pepper to taste.
5- Top with cheese. Bake 10-12 minutes, or until cooked and cheese is browned.

Tomato Pesto Sauce:

1.5 tablespoons of jarred chopped basil
1 tablespoon of EVOO
Garlic powder
Onion powder
1/2 tablespoon of parmesan cheese
5 tablespoons of tomato sauce

Combine all of the ingredients above and mix well. Taste and add additional seasonings or basil as needed.


  1. Yum- can't wait to make this!

  2. who doesn't love pizza?! i love all kinds. i just made a great version with black beans. this pizza looks delicious though. I am always looking for new ways to incorporate pizza into my weekly menu!

  3. how long does it bake for?

  4. I made it so long ago but honestly I typically bake all pizza 10-12 minutes, just keep an eye on it.
