
Thursday, July 2, 2009

Peanut Butter Cheerio Bars

I love Costco. I can spend an unnecessary amount of time there walking up and down the aisles. There's one problem with Costco- John and I don't have kids so it's really just the two of us at our house. Therefore when I buy a metric ton of Cheerios (or any other food item) it comes to a point where I need to use it up NOW because we just can't look at it anymore. I decided to make these bars and boy are they sweet! I love them because I am a peanut butter freak but if I were to make these again I would cut the sugar a lot- maybe try 3/4 of a cup. After I made them and sliced them I wrapped them individually in plastic wrap. Also I would suggest keeping them in the fridge until you eat them because otherwise the peanut butter gets too melty! Overall a delicious treat!

Source: The Crepes of Wrath (I should also mention how AMAZING this blog is- check it out!)

1 cup crunchy or smooth peanut butter
1 cup granulated sugar (You can cut this back a bit)
1 cup honey
6 cups Cheerios cereal (I used Honey Nut)


1. Grease and/or line a 9×13 pan and set aside. In a small sauce pan sprayed with Pam, bring the honey and sugar to a boil over medium heat. As soon as the sugar is dissolved, remove the pan from the heat.
2. Stir in the peanut butter until well blended and melted.
3. Place your Cheerios in a large mixing bowl and pour the peanut butter-honey mixture over the cereal, stirring until everything is well coated.
4. Pour/spread the cereal into your prepared pan, pressing down to make sure everything is smooth and even. Set aside and allow to cool before slicing into squares. Makes 16-20 bars.
5- Store in the refrigerator until serving.


  1. These were amazing!!! Can't wait until it's "John's" turn to bring in breakfast to work again.

  2. made these tonight, thanks to you! my post will be up Thursday!

  3. I used no sugar and mostly almond butter and the last almost quarter cup of peanut butter and they are delicious! I'm calling them nut'n'honey cheerio bars :)

  4. I used plain Cheerios and it was fantastic! Still very sweet. I served them at a party to my friends and their kids and everyone loved them. I had none left! And they were so easy to make.

  5. I used plain Cheerios and they were fantastic! I served them at a party to my friends and their kids. Everyone LOVED them! I had none left. They were so easy to make too!

  6. Omgosh! I have been wanting to make these for forrrever!!
