
Sunday, July 19, 2009

Grilled BBQ Apple Chicken

My husband loves apple butter. I had honestly never heard of it prior to meeting John and probably would have never tried it if it weren't for him. I would equate apple butter to apple jam. It is the consistency of a cross between apple sauce and apple jam. It is sweet and tasty with little to no calories. I have a big jar of it in the house so I decided to try it out on chicken. I mixed it with BBQ sauce and it came out nice and tasty. It was sweet but not too sweet. A winner in our house!

2 chicken breasts
2 heaving tablespoons of BBQ sauce
1 tablespoon of apple butter
Salt & Pepper
Garlic powder

1- Mix the apple butter and BBQ sauce together, set aside.
2- Sprinkle garlic powder, salt, and pepper over the chicken breasts.
3- Cook the chicken on the grill. Once the chicken is almost done, slather it with the sauce.
4- Continue grilling until cooked through.

** 4 points per 3 ounces of chicken


  1. this looks delicious! makes me wish i had a grill! maybe i'll try them in the oven.

  2. oh, i bet my hubby would love this! and i love sneaking fruit in whenever i can however i can!
