
Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Giving truly is better than receiving...

As anyone who has a food blog knows, food blogging is a community within itself. I belong to a "community" of food bloggers through a cooking message board. It is on that board that I first "met" Brooke. I have made many of her recipes and followed her blog for a long time now. I have also followed her struggles to get pregnant and was thrilled when she found out she was pregnant with TRIPLETS.

Brooke gave birth one month ago to her triplets at 25 weeks. It has been a roller coaster for her and her husband. The first thing I do daily when I wake up is read her baby blog. While I don't know Brooke or Joe, their blog has allowed me to see into their world and allowed me to follow the many ups and downs they are encountering. They are truly an inspiration, as are their beautiful babies. I am amazed at their love, faith, and support of one another. Check out their baby blog to get more of an idea of the importance of lending a hand!

My point of this post? That cooking board I mentioned earlier is trying to raise some money to help out Brooke and her family. I can only imagine how expensive this journey has been for them. If you have any change to spare, please find it in your heart to support a terrific and inspirational family.

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